We quality control every product very carefully. It is requested to check the product thoroughly while receiving it. If there is any problem after this then there is a refund (subject to conditions) within 3 days of delivery.
The following items cannot be exchanged:
- Any goods that have been washed or used
- Re-labeled items
- Discontinued styles
- Decorated styles
- Items on Sale
Please Note
- A 20% restocking fee will be charged for all returns
- Sale items are FINAL SALE and cannot be returned
- All claims have to be approved. Please email service@totinimart.com to explain the problem with the merchandise, and to get a Return Authorization Number (RA). Write your RA number on your invoice. Enclose a copy of the invoice in your package and write your RA number on the outside of your package.
For defective or damaged products, please contact us to arrange a refund or exchange.